Thursday, February 21, 2008

LifeLess Piece of Shit

Whoah, was so tied up to working that i didnt have even the slightest time to post the crappiest shit on my blog. So now i'm gonna do it. Had been working everyday since almost the start of the month, yeah, 8cents/per min EVERYDAY, that everyday. These shit jobs include giving fliers in a booth at Bugis(near Og) and now i'm currently doing a Biz Fair at SunTec pushing for sign-ups for their E-Newsletter. All very influential and important jobs i would say, NOT. Well, as long as i get paid, i dont give a shit to what my role is :) cheers. Simple job, but i'm so sad that i'm the only one posted to the Biz Fair, lonely, i'm Mr. Lonely, damn u Eunice, pang seh kia. Oh, and i got a fabulous tann from the big sun while giving fliers at bugis, a bonus. Such a tight schedule, stretching on to 08 march.. boo hooo had to sleep early everyday.
When can i enjoy myself, such a big shithole that i refer to as my life. thx.

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